
A very basic Arduino Nano based unipolar motor controller.

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C3122pF ceramic capacitor through holeKEMETC315C220J2G5TA399-4162-ND80C315C220J2G538121913K61671457651
C11100µF capacitor 6mmVishayMAL202136101E3PanasonicEEU-FM1E1014032PHCT-ND594222202136101324517704M90151165467
R31Resistor 1k 0.25WYageoMFR-25FBF52-1KTE ConnectivityCFR200J1K01.00KXBK-ND603MFR25FBF521K125113795W57772329571
D11DIODE 1N4004ON Semiconductor1N4004Diotec1N4004NTE Electronics1N4004Diodes Inc.1N4004-T1N4004FSCT-ND6211N4004738472112T23031843708
A11Arduino Nano
MOTOR1, MOTOR2, MOTOR3, AUX10.1" headerHarwinM20-9993645952-2272-ND855M209993645547315056K02781022263
D21LED 5mm751-1118-ND78TLHK5100818758033C1301

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OpenFlexure Motor Controller (Sangaboard v0.2)

This aims to be a super-simple motor controller, based on an Arduino Nano and a couple of Darlington pair ICs. It controls cheap 28BYJ-48 steppers, as used on the OpenFlexure microscope and stage. It owes quite a bit to Fergus Riche's motor board, the hardware developed by OpenScope and the Arduino-based motor controller used by a number of summer students working with Richard Bowman in Cambridge, particularly James Sharkey. It is currently the motor board used by the OpenFlexure Microscope.

The repository contains three sets of files; the Arduino firmware in the arduino_code folder, a Python module in the openflexure_stage folder, and the PCB design in the pcb_design folder.


You can now see documentation at Read the Docs.

Getting started

The first step is to make and populate the PCB. You can get in touch with WaterScope to order one if they have stock, or alternatively have them made via Kit Space (link to this project).

Next you will need to download the Arduino sketch and upload it to the Arduino Nano. You'll need some libraries, see the arduino_code folder's readme for that.

Lastly, you can control the stage using the openflexure_stage Python module. This can be installed via pip, using pip install openflexure_stage. NB the master branch and the pip released version are currently not in sync, we're working to fix this. If you want interactive control, you might want to check out the OpenFlexure Microscope software, which will run the stage together with the Raspberry Pi camera module.


Firmware/Python code by Richard Bowman, University of Bath, PCB design & production by Sanga Valerian, STICLab. Development of this board and software was funded by the EPSRC (EP/P029426/1), the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, and the University of Bath.

(c) The authors, 2017, released under CERN Open Hardware License (hardware designs) and GNU GPL v3.0 (software) 2017.