A simple circuit based on CD4093 that sensitive to MOISTURE and organic matter through resistivity of the object.

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Battery Holder1CR2032-BS-2-1 Battery SocketMPDBS-7-REDBS-7-RED-ND
Battery1N189-ND CR2032 Coin BatteryEnergizerCR2032VPN189-ND
U11CD4093/HEF4093 DILTexas InstrumentsCD4093BE296-2068-5-ND
LED113mm LED any colourBivar IncELM 5-065492-2284-ND
Speaker1BUZZER PiezoElectric 3VTDK CorporatopmPS1720P02445-2527-ND810PS1720P02
C11100nF CapacitorKEMETR82EC3100DQ70J399-5453-1-ND80R82EC3100DQ70J463176568X32532429336


A simple circuit based on CD4093 that sensitive to MOISTURE and organic matter through resistivity of the object. The circuit react to the resistance and convert it to lights and sounds using the oscillator function of NAND gate in CD4093. The sensor is designed as a part of the circuit, located in the tail and leg of the tiger shaped circuit.

Tiger biosynth is developed by Squaresolid (Andreas Siagian), Lifepatch - citizen initiative in art, science and technology Developed through various circuit from SGMK (Swiss Mechatronic Art Society) and Hackteria.


Documentation as a modul kit for workshop can be seen in: http://lifepatch.id/Biosynth