Circuit for FISHING!
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Fish Caller
Fish Caller is a simple circuit based on 555 timer chip IC that is designed as a low frequency oscillator to be used to modulate LED and piezzo buzzer to attract fish during fishing! It is used as a workshop module by Lifepatch - citizen initiative in art, science and technology based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The module was initiated by Timbil Budiarto - Lifepatch, schematic is designed by Lintang Raditya - Kenalirangkaipakai and circuit is (re) designed by Squaresolid (Andreas Siagian) - Lifepatch.
The ciruit is designed to either use battery, or powerbank which many Indonesian has. The circuit is not waterproof (duh!), in order to use it, the LED and/or Buzzer must be connected to wire and isolated it with Hot Glue to protect it from water. LED and/or Buzzer should be placed closest to the bait. The Trimmer Potentiometer is to adjust the rate of the frequency. Remember we still need to use a bait, the LED and sound is only used to call them close (interested) enough to see the bait!
Which colour to use fishing? Depends! I don't know the right answer but different fishes are more responsive to different lights. Check this paper: This might be a good improvement for the project to use controllable RGB Led to be used to "call" them!