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J1, J22Female Header 2.54x18
R11Resistor 5k1 1210VishayCRCW12105K10FKEAHPVishayCRCW12105K10FKEACRCW12105K10FKEA-ND71CRCW12105K10FKEAH43AC01262802508
J3,J4,J53Male Header 2.54x8
J61Male Header 2.54x2x2
J51DHT 11
J81Cable with JST 1.25 female connector
BT11HOLDER BATTERY 1CELL 18650 SMDKeystone Electronics104236-1042-ND

LoRa32 Node

A simple breakoutboard / antenna mount for those cool, inexpensive Heltec LoRa32.

some examples can be found over there:



  • DHT11 sensor.
  • 18650 battery holder.
  • Shitty Addon Connector.
  • Piece to break out and use as an antenna mount.
  • Designed in the Canton of Glarus.


There are some different Versions around which aren't not totally pin compatible on some power pins.

  • DHT11 are super inaccurate, replace with at least DHT21.
  • Add some 0R on those incompatible pins.
  • Add battery measurement.