An AA sized ISM radio Arduino clone

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LED11LED 0603RohmSML-D12Y8WT86511-1582-1-ND5988150107F700802375R05851465989
C1, C2, C330.1UF 25V 0603AVX06033C104KAT2A478-3714-1-ND58106033C104JAT2A464637947Y9715317287
R11Resistor 10k 0603VishayMCT0603MD1001BP100MCT0603-10K-MBCT-ND594MCT0603MD1002BP1684560415R20552321085
R21Resistor 1.8k 0603PanasonicERJ-3EKF1801VP1.80KHCT-ND279CPF0603B1K8E1820678280P39031697379
R3, R42Resistor 4.7k 0603YageoRC0603FR-074K7L311-4.70KHRCT-ND667ERJP03F4701V820686524T71592281415
U11ATMEGA328 TQFP32AtmelATMEGA328P-AUATMEGA328P-AU-ND556ATMEGA328PAU696309268T29351715486
J11Battery contact, negativeKEYSTONE62936-629-ND534629205005798B59241696977

The AAduino

The AAduino

News! Don't miss the successor of the AAduino, the AAduino Zero.

The AAduino is an wireless Arduino clone the size of an AA battery with Keystone battery terminals rotated 180° to act as positive and negative terminals. It is meant to go inside a 3xAA battery holder creating a very small wireless node.

Powered by an ATMega328p, it is fitted with an RFM69CW companion, two DS18B20 temperature sensors and an indicator LED.

Included in this repository is the schematics, bill of material and a sample program to test the hardware. If you want solder up one yourself you can buy most of what is needed through the links on the Kitnic page.

If you are looking for an easy way to order the PCBs only, please order from and I will receive a $1 credit :)

The accompanying blog post is here.