
a fast response diode circuit to measure light changes down to hundreds of microseconds

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J1;1USB connectorAmphenol10104110-0001LF714-2344
J2;1BNC connectorMolex73101-0400759-5274
C1;11pF CapacitorC315C109B5G5TAKemet146-3544
R1;11Mohm ResistorTE connectivityLR1F1M0149-228
U1;1LM358 opampON semiconductorLM358DR2G689-6719


a circuit to measure fast changing light signals down to hundreds of microseconds

Previous work:

This board is based on this article

  • fast_diode_pcb folder has the PCB files to produce this board as well as the bill of materials.

This board and components can be ordered easily at kitspace

picture of fast-response-diode PCB