A board to control high powered leds

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J1;J2;2CONN HEADER XH TOP 4POS 2.5MMJSTB4B-XH-A (LF)(SN)455-2249-ND82015511516278
J3; J4; J5; J6;4CONN HEADER XH TOP 2POS 2.5MMJSTB2B-XH-A (LF)(SN)455-2247-ND8201554P73M94151516276
C1;C2;2100nF Capacitor DiscMulticompMCFYU6104Z6KEMETC052C104K5R5CAKEMETC052K104K5X5CAKEMETC052T104K5X5CSKEMETC321C104K5R5HABC1101CT-ND80C321C104K5R5HA852327773M21542395773
Q1;Q2;Q3;Q4;4IRFZ24NPBF or IRFZ44NPbF footprint TO-220ABInfineonIRFZ44NPbFIRFZ44NPBF-ND942IRFZ44NPBF54097771544411
U1;U22TC4427 footprint PDIP-8MicrochipTC4427MicrochipTC4427CPATC4427CPA-ND579TC4427CPA20701809762639
R1;R2;R3;R44Resistor 47 ohm 250mW through-holeTE ConnectivityROX1SJ47RA131472CT-ND279ROX1S47R21409641738569
R5;R6;R7;R84Resistor 1k ohm 250mW through-holeTE ConnectivityCFR16J1K0A104669CT-ND27921623927312511502329486

BeeHive - a flexible platform for connecting different sensors and actuators


This project started as a collaboration between Ihor Sobianin and Andre Chagas, after some chats about improving the FlyPi design.


The idea here is to make a very flexible hardware system that is easy to expand/customize for lab applications. The very initial implementation consists of:

  • a hub PCB - which contains:

    • 2 voltage regulators that step down voltage from 12V to 5V and supply these 3 voltages to specific pins throughout the board.
    • a central slot for an ESP32 WROOM and the breakout of all its pins into JST connectors.
    • Two Mikroe MikroBus connectors (https://www.mikroe.com/mikrobus).
    • Two Sparkfun Qwiic connectore (https://www.sparkfun.com/qwiic).
    • A 3.3V onboard voltage regulator.
  • 4 switch array with an TPIC6B595 shift register and transistors.

  • 8 switch array with an TPIC6B595 shift register and transistors.

  • 12V5A breakout which is based on simple barrel jack connector and JST connectors

  • power supply which are based on the LM2596 T5 a step down switching regulator For more details see current design section below.


On the software side of things we are initially running micropython, as this will offer a low entry barrier for researchers (as Python is more and more the chosen language for much of the scientific stack).

  • The current implementation runs stock micropython with OSC library for communication, as this will allow easy integration with Bonsai-RX, a powerful piece of software that has integrations with other interesting open source tools for science, such as open ephys, DeepLab Cut and other proprietary but useful tools, like high speed cameras, National Instruments DAQ systems.

  • The main wish software wise for this project is to make it compatible with Labthings.

The current design

The main hub:


The power supply module:


The transistor-switch hub for 8 devices:
