3D-printable microscope for diagnostics and scientific experiments

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U5;2Headers 15 pin 1 rowSamtec incSSA-115-S-TSamtec IncSSW-115-01-T-SAmphenol75915-315LFSAM1122-15-ND200-SSA115ST859-939011P77392779587
U4;1L298N Multiwatt 15 VerticalSTMicroelectronicsL298N497-1395-5-ND511L29863638432M1527403295
U1; U22LM2596 5vITO-220Texas InstrumentsTexas InstrumentsLM2596T-5.0/NOPBLM2596T-5.0/NOPB-ND926LM2596T5.0/NOPB533374397K32561150103
R7; R8; R93Resistor 220 ohm 250mW through-holeYageoMFR-25FBF52-220RTE ConnectivityCBT25J220RTE ConnectivityCFR16J220ROhmiteOD221JEStackpole ElectronicsCF14JT220RCF14JT220RCT-ND279CBT25J220R806637621R01861265068
R2; R3; R4; R54Resistor 270 ohm 250mW through-holeStackpole ElectronicsCF14JT270RYageoMFR-25FBF52-220RTE ConnectivityCFR16J270ROhmiteOD271JEKamayaRC1/4271JBCF14JT270RCT-ND791-RC1/4-271JB14836095W57362329504
R1;1Resistor 20W TO-220BournsPWR220T-20-R500FPWR220T-20-R500F-ND652PWR220T20R500F796250855R10982328267
Q1; Q2; Q3; Q4; Q141A NPNON Semiconductor/fairchildPN2222ATFPN2222ATFCT-ND512-PN2222ATF806-129631Y34512453811
Flypi - An open source, modular, affordable tool for imaging experiments.

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Hi! Thanks for dropping by. This project started during one of the summer courses organized by Trend in Africa. It developed to the current state due to the efforts of many people along the way. In special Tom Baden, Lucia Prieto, and Edwin Cruz. A paper describing the system was published in Plos Biology.

Version 1.0 was released with the paper and can be found here.

The system can be used for optical microscopy, fluorescence, behavioural tracking, optogenetics, calcium imaging and thermogenetics (see examples recorded with the system below).

Some samples imaged with the device:
C.Elegans behaviourDrosophila CrimsonFluorescence ZebraFish GFP expressed in heart tissue
GCamP_ZebraFishZebra Fish TransmissionDrosophila walking about

Custom PCB

You can order the PCBs and buy the parts to assemble them through the Kitspace page.

Necessary Libraries:

LED Ring from Adafruit: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel

LED Matrix from Adafruit: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-LED-Backpack-Library

gpac library: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gpac

*.h264 conversion to *.avi:

Done via gpac. MP4BOX.

Zipped SD Card image containing Raspian image with all things installed:


Contributors โœจ

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Andre Maia Chagas
Andre Maia Chagas

๐Ÿ’ป ๐ŸŽจ ๐Ÿ“–

Edwin Cruz
Edwin Cruz

Tom Baden
Tom Baden

๐ŸŽจ ๐Ÿ’ป
Ihor Sobianin
Ihor Sobianin

Kaspar Emanuel
Kaspar Emanuel


๐ŸŽจ ๐Ÿ’ป

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!