an array of 8 individually addresseable NPN transistors

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U1;1SN74HC595 – PDIP-16296-1600-5-ND595SN74HC595N21756953120865
Q1; Q2; Q3; Q4; Q5; Q6; Q7; Q8;81A NPNON Semiconductor/fairchildPN2222ATFPN2222ATFCT-ND512PN2222ATF806129631Y34511695606
R1; R2; R3; R4; R5; R6; R7; R8;8Resistor 270 ohm 250mW through-holeStackpole ElectronicsCF14JT270RYageoMFR-25FBF52-220RTE ConnectivityCFR16J270ROhmiteOD271JEKamayaRC1/4271JBCF14JT270RCT-ND791RC1/4271JB14836095W57362329504
C1;1100nF Capacitor DiscMulticompMCFYU6104Z6KEMETC052C104K5R5CAKEMETC052K104K5X5CAKEMETC052T104K5X5CSKEMETC321C104K5R5HABC1160CT-ND80C321C104K5R5HA852327773M21542395773
J1;J2;2CONN HEADER XH TOP 4POS 2.5MMJSTB4B-XH-A (LF)(SN)455-2249-ND82015511516278
J3; J4; J5; J6; J7; J8; J9; J10; J11;9CONN HEADER XH TOP 2POS 2.5MMJSTB2B-XH-A (LF)(SN)455-2247-ND8201554P73M94151516276
cables26JUMPER SXH-001T-P0.6 X2 10"JSTASXHSXH22K254455-4223-ND

BeeHive system: 8 port switch array

Hardware overview

In order to allow to use arbitrary type and number of simple tools such as low power electronics (LEDs, fans, etc) in experiments, a set of 8 switch arrays was developed. The 8 pin version utilizes a 74HC595 shift register, allowing to connect more components with less amount of pins. The power fed to the element being switched can vary from 5 to 12 volts.

Programming switches

An 8 switch array behaves exactly like a 74HC595 shift register but transistor switches allow bigger currents to flow through given loads


Do not connect or disconnect connectors while power is ON. All adjustments must be done ONLY when power is OFF.

3D models

Current design of 8 switch version: 8 switch version